Why Do We Need To Start Thinking Outside Of Our Comfort Zone

Hello hello hello what’s up can you see me just write av okay in the comments box if you can see me all right let’s get cracking okay give one sec just let me adjust my screen so the topic for today is to clear up the confusion on what needs to be done in the new market should we do something should we not do something should we just stay put and just chill out and not complicate our life.

That’s the main thing and if something is to be done then what are the variables we are looking at what are the things that are in our power what are the things that are not in our power et cetera et cetera okay now I have a quick mind map and a PowerPoint to share with you so you have some visuals etc that you can access and then I have some homework so if you can see me all right and hear me all right just write av okay in the comments box and we will get cracking.

Just let me refresh my browser so I know what you guys are seeing awesome now let me just share my screen okay to be or not to be that’s the title for today to be or not to be okay now what are the things that we are going to talk about here about in today’s live session the first is the why okay why do we need to start thinking why do you need to start thinking outside of your current comfort zone is okay.

During the lockdown when you have when people are like I don’t know if I’m gonna keep my job or not I don’t know if my company’s gonna survive or not I don’t know if my small business is gonna survive or not everybody was you know looking for options and now some of that fever has died down because you know I have a friend who says hey man I tried to do all of these things and I was extremely uncomfortable.

I had to learn all kinds of new skills but after the lockdown, I realized man my job is still there so I don’t know if I need to think laterally or not I don’t know if I need to uh you know to think outside the box or not or get out of my comfort zone or not right um so that’s fair yeah so if you think there is no need then that’s cool but um let me just walk you through some of the aspects that I think of when I’m faced with a question like this

Because just like you I love to be in my comfort zone I like to chill and not do much work and uh you know not to take too much tension and not take too much risk, especially financial risk yeah so what is the why is this that we have turning tides we have it we have turning tides which mean you see a lot of companies that were uh you know that that that you know there was a lot of wave of um you know new companies big brands, an etc hat was building up in the last five-ten years.

Then a lot of them have not done well uh recently you see a lot of industrialists and all you know getting hounded by the government for not paying up their dues and all of that yeah so the cracks are starting to appear in the system and usually when cracks start to appear in the system the economic opportunities that are presented.

If you’re smart in a period of maybe just a quick couple of years you can reposition and change your station in life by you know by one or two stations when I say to change your station in life I’m not talking about increasing your pay by you know lack of rupees a month or something
Like that.

Doubling your pay I’m talking about 10xing your pay and reaching a different lifestyle different level altogether within a matter of maybe a couple of years okay that’s what economic opportunity usually which is you know which comes with some depression some readjustment of the market etc that is what economically of economic opportunity offers us and usually the larger players are not very well said to take advantage of it.

Because they are already spread two things and they’re too thin in their traditional models okay so so people who are who’ve been looking for an opportunity they have flexible and that they can utilize speed which we’re going to talk about and then they can totally reposition okay we have turning tides and all of that and uh the biggest issue is the biggest issue my friend is the world is changing so fast that you need to build something called a high-income Skill set you to need to build something called a high-income skill set.

What is a high-income skill set let me give you a let me give you an analogy okay so I have a, uh you know I don’t know if you know but I have a medical degree from one of India’s top-rated medical colleges yes probably the number one or the number two rated medical college in India right and uh 50 years ago having a medical degree was considered to be you know a super high-income skill set.

which means you were invincible you know you were a doctor you had the power to heal and the whole world would come to you you had you know you had glory you had probably financial opportunities and all of that right you had all you know you had all the glory and everything okay in today’s time is probably not so it takes too much time to build that high-income skill set and the demand-supply situation is not very very great in this country.

Especially because India is loaded overloaded with education educated workforce overloaded with MBAs overloaded with doctors overloaded with engineers overloaded with architects and chartered accountants yeah oversupply okay so the demand-supply situation is not in your favor let me talk to you about another high-income skill set.

So something that was a high-income skill set 50 years back is probably you know an average income skill set today because you know opportunities are uh you know opportunities even outside that profession are uh extremely wide and huge what is the high-income skill set back in the 1980s late 80s 90s you know the technology world

Which is the computer world primarily led by us realized that the computer coding system in you know the in the computers code the year the way they notated the year was two digits and y2k was coming which is you know the year would change from 98 99 2000 it would become zero right so back in 1988 1989 they started realizing

Oh my god we need to change the coding systems of the computer right through the kernel and how can we do that we need you to know people to actually log into the computers and actually do a lot of engineering at the base at the kernel level of these computers and we have all kinds of computers in the country so we need uh you know huge masses of engineers and engineers that are available

You know the only country which is loaded with an educated workforce is India and people like Narayan Moti and all they realize oh my god this is a good opportunity so what they did was they created a little tunnel they created a tunnel from India to us where they had this system where they would either uh get accelerated approvals for l1 visas or you know the 1099 or 1098 the contractor, uh you know the contractor set up in us and get

These Indian people Indian engineers on a contract basis you know at 19 an hour or whatever you know to work on the computers over there and they would charge you know for that service so it’s the same engineer sitting in India brought over to us but Infosys is charging a premium pricing because they’re able to do it at a scale that was a high-income skill set in those days okay there was a kind of you know the part derogatory term that was used for it was

Called body shopping body shopping yeah Infosys started off as a body shop which means all they did was get the skill sets from here to there and charge an overage on their labor, okay and it was a high-income skill set in those times it made you know many uh Indian technology companies very big companies today you know multi-billion dollar giants just getting the supply and the demand met up you know meta bring your meet up the supply and the demand that was a high

Income skill set today you know if you try to do that if you said hey man you know I’m going to get 10 000 engineers over to us to do to do your technology stuff for you you will not be very welcome because you know the demand-supply situation has changed they don’t welcome that kind of thing so much anymore and you can see that in the political statements and all of that right so that’s a high-income skill set back from 1990 today not so much okay so

You need to build a high-income skill set let’s go to where my PowerPoint is where is my PowerPoint okay give me one second, yeah okay give me one second give him one second now we are gonna assess okay whether we need to think not to think my job is secure my business is

Secure oh thank god I survived GST demonetization coverage everything I’m doing is good man do I need to do something else and I know I need to just chill and relax and have some relief yeah maybe a good option for some may not be a good option for others let’s review it okay to be or not to be that is the question William Shakespeare now I’ll just give you a quick history lesson okay why because history repeats history repeats

Back into the 2008 market crash which had a similar financial implication like the one we have like the Kobe does had uh today, uh you know I was working in us I was working for the company and what really happened was that the markets went up and down and due to some disbalances that the failure rate of companies fell low the growth rate of companies fell high and all this was in six years preceding 2008 and sure as hell you know one little puncture event

Like the housing crash you know just upturned everything the company started bankrupting left right and center you know the growth rate of companies started going down people started jumping out of the windows creating suicide and all of those things where every day in the papers over there okay public and private investment if you think the government or the private investors or this foreign direct investment is going

To come and help you it’s not because history said that in those times all of these big countries developed capitalist countries public and private investment tanked okay small businesses got hit the worst okay and you know the market kind of went down it went down about two years later it came up and in a period of the next two to three years the market basically recovered why because the markets work in financial cycles yeah unless you’re

Heading into like world war three or something the financial cycle is gonna reverse and it’s gonna you know to come up because that is the way financial markets work okay that is the final way financial markets work now we gotta you keep this in mind when we are trying to build any high-income skill set okay we’re gonna keep that in mind now that is the opportunity when the market goes down and the market goes up uh back in the u.s you know back in 2008 I saw a

A lot of people making millions of dollars and these were the people who are individuals corporate uh you know corporate uh employees small business owners who were able to reposition build high-income skill sets and take advantage of the upsurge in the market that came later okay now if you if you’re a corporate employee and you say you know I’m doing well my company is not you know I don’t think my job is in danger and my company

Is paying me in dollars or whatever you know I’m all right and that’s fine probably the session is not for you but if you want to take the opportunity for quantum jumps okay so I keep talking about my own uh you know experience between 2008 and 2011 I was working for a small scale agency which is a performance marketing agency and we tripled our revenue every or doubled our revenue every year for

Three years straight so by the end of it we were literally like 10 12 times where we had started in 2008 when the market had hit so instead of looking at it as a threat or instead of looking at it as a comfort zone oh my god I survived I’m all right yeah yeah I was working with a mentor who said you know this is the time to make a killing and triple hour triple the value of our stock holding in the company by increasing the revenue of the company three times anyway

What is the high-income skill set for today I will reveal to you it is called product packaging and everyone on this group you know the 10 11 000 people on this group every one of you can actually learn it and use it I’m going to teach you how to do it today okay and then I’m going to give you some homework okay and then I’m going to give you some homework so if you can see me hear me just throw

Me a thumbs up or comment in the column so I know that you guys are there and I will continue okay now where are we okay product packaging high-income skill set now history repeats so whatever I’ve done this in two or three different recessions, okay the first was my post 911 recession when the

Markets are tanking and the planes that hit the world trade center and the u.s economy was in the doldrums I was in India I was working in a hospital job I did my Mbbs completed my mobs in 2004 and I was working in a hospital job the world was teetering from the aftermath of the 911 crash but when the market started swinging up a mentor of mine told me if you’d get into sales and marketing this is the time I did that and you know that’s a

Story for another day but I’ve done this twice or thrice so so I can see you know that history repeats I’ve been lucky to take part in all of these you know all of these upsurges and changed my station in life to something that I couldn’t have believed when I was working in my hospital job okay now we’ll talk about something called the 10 thousand hour rule we’ll talk about something called the one thousand hour rule we’ll talk about the importance of

The environment and then we will see how many of you guys are action takers okay now remember the problem an opportunity mindset is the more the problems the more the opportunities, okay and everyone gets paid to solve some problems if you’re feeling threatened in your business because business going up and down due to all the social-political health situation or whatever if you feel

Threatened in your job if you’re a corporate employee and you think oh my god you know then chances are that the problem you started out solving a few years ago is not as painful anymore okay for the people that you’re solving it for that is why you feel threatened that’s why you feel man things are not going according to my expectation etc okay so everyone gets paid to solve some problem and uh you know the reason that you may be

Feeling a little threat and all is probably because the problem you started out solving a few years back is not as painful anymore so you need to find other painful problems to solve okay the more painful the problem the better it is the more people impacted by that problem the better it is and the more the number of people impacted the more they will be willing to pay you the more chances that people are willing to pay you and that is how you know that is how

You start off always think about what is the problem the market that I can help somebody solve and this could come from your professional expertise this will come from your personal expertise, for example, uh marketing for me is actually personal expertise because I don’t have a degree in it all I have is like a medical degree I never got an MBA or something so for me marketing is a passion I help people and companies and you know some of my

Corporate clients solve the sales and marketing problems I get paid for it is good it’s become a profession over the last 10 15 years now okay uh but when it started out it was like a hobby okay today if I were to help somebody and somebody told me you cannot choose marketing because you’re too good at it what other problem can you help people so I would help people play the game of chess because I’m pretty good at it and

I truly feel I can help some youngsters etc and I truly feel that your brain develops much better if you understand mind games like chess and then the game goes you know that’s also very good so I would probably start doing that and that that’s a huge opportunity because lots of people would like to develop different areas of their brain while playing games that are you know more brain focused okay.

Now let’s uh let’s see where we are at okay now we’re going to talk about how we’re going to do this okay we’re going to talk about how we’re going to do this so how do you do product packaging I’m just going to give you one idea there are hundreds of different ideas I’m just gonna give you one idea product packaging what is product packaging

Product packaging is when you take any product that is commoditized or something in the market that that is just an everyday product and you create a package around it that beats every other competition in the market even if they’re priced lower than you even if you are new in the market and they’ve been established forever okay and you can do it in a very short while just by focusing on the problem so how do you do that don’t compete on price and try to
Be the cheapest be the most expensive without seeming expensive okay.

So what problem does your customer want to solve what are the core objections of the crawl problems that prevent them from solving that problem prevent them from buying whatever products service solution etc that you think about that that is there in the market and using these objections you create your package and your package alone will not only solve the problem but will probably sell
Which sell itself as well okay sell itself without needing you to follow up 100 times and things like that okay and these solutions you can use to overturn objection increase perceived value etc okay

So for example if I was in the market I’d take this image from decathlon’s website okay decathlon’s website where they have these exercise bands, okay and they sell for 1400 rupees or roughly 20 dollars okay 20 to 1400 rupees and uh if I were to sell this okay I would face two or three objections the biggest objection would be hey can I find some can I find this somewhere cheaper can I find this cheaper somewhere okay that is the first thing the second thing is hey man I’ll take this home but I would really prefer to go to a gym because you know there’s no space in my house I don’t know how to use it I don’t know all the workouts.

You know can I use this one band for different muscle groups I want to build big shoulders I want to build big lats I want to stretch my body I want to get rid of my back pain whatever can I can this band help me okay I don’t really have the time to work out some people do just not exercise people so they’ll obviously say I don’t have the time to work out and some people say well you know I don’t know where I’ll keep it etc okay what if it breaks.

What if I end up not uh not being able to use it or not is not liking it okay so these are the little objections we’re gonna build into the product and create a package and we’re gonna sell it for more expensive than the most expensive player okay but we’re gonna seem the cheapest how are we gonna do it what we’ll do is we’ll add a door anchor to it, okay door anchor, to it for 2000 rupees which can help keep your door

Apart and and and uh embed this thing in the door so you can actually do not only push-ups but also pull-ups using this one exercise band, okay the door anchor is 2000 rupees or 30 dollars how do you set it up how do you use this little thing you use this little band to do all kinds of exercises for all your different muscle groups, okay all your different muscle groups will include a book or a manual or a cd, okay we’ll include a free app or some videos or a

Video cd which has all kinds of workout regimens that you can do starting from 20 minutes a day to two hours a day okay and that is worth a hundred dollars okay which is seven thousand rupees because hey man if you hired a gym trainer they would charge you probably seven thousand rupees in the first month itself and it would take you three months before you were able to master only one of their workout sessions so that means you would have to pay that gym trainer at least

For a year in order to master all the different kinds of sessions that we are giving to you over here in your free app okay and uh if you don’t have time or schedule we’ll give you pre-written workouts that come in the box, okay all you do is open them and there are the cheat sheets that you can use with a pen and paper and follow along workouts, okay we’ll give you a five-year warranty that’s worth two hundred dollars right there or ten thousand rupees or

Something okay and we’ll give you hassle-free returns seven days free look period and the shipping cost we will absorb which is twenty dollars, okay so we are giving you 300 400 worth of value with these 20 products and this whole box which includes all of these we’re going to sell for 100 which is 7 000 rupees okay now imagine that you produce this during the lockdown or post lockdown phase when people are the people who are health junkies or gym junkies uh you

Know I am one I’m waiting for my society gym to open I’ve been written to you know society management dave and please open I will come at five o’clock total social distancing and all that right so so for the gym junkies what’s going to happen is they get an opportunity when the society jam or the commercial gyms are closed they get an opportunity to keep up their physical health which they have not been able to keep up in the

The last four or five months okay and if they’re getting worried and you know sometimes in puna where I live the rains are still continuing so it’s very difficult to go out running it’s very difficult to follow any kind of cycling routine or anything because it’s raining all the time right but if you give somebody an option that for 7000 rupees this whole package will take care even if there was another lockdown for three months your health would be protected

Okay the package suddenly becomes solid okay so what am I doing I’m solving a deep problem and including all kinds of variables in it and giving it as one package to make the decision easy for the customer okay to make the decision easy for the customer this is one income this is one skill that everybody, whether you’re a corporate professional whether you’re certified professional like a doctor lawyer chartered accountant or you, are a

You know you are what you call a small business owner you need to start wondering in your mind how can I utilize my knowledge or my existing product or my existing service into creating a package that can go out into the market and I can charge my rates to the kind of customers that I want instead of going after the wrong kind of customers and getting mental stress in the process I can choose my customers I can

Choose my pricing I can still make a tidy profit without you know without stretching myself to the limits okay now what is the next one so in in in you’ll see me in the group when I put up the videos and all these we keep talking about the lean startup so I thought I’ll just give you a brief uh idea about it I read this idea in a long in a book long back so I’ve created my own version of it but I still call it the lean startup in respect to that book which was called the lean startup.

So I like to give them the credit for putting this idea in my mind although my whole model is kind of slightly different from what they mentioned in that book okay so it consists of something called a message which is what problem you’re going to solve for people okay if I was the owner of this health shop health store or the one that was sold

In this exercise band I would like to say that I have been I help people take care of their health even at home within four by six spaces even during the lockdown even during the rains when their gyms are closed and they have no other option to take care of their health I help them do that okay and the moment I say that you know it connects to people who know that this is different from a gym because my gym is closed this is different from

You know a yoga teacher I could actually go even more specialized you know I could say I help people take care of their health using dynamic stretching tensile stretching and dynamic compression using little tools that we will either deliver to you or you can find in your house and within a period of 20 minutes a day, you will be able to um you will be able to get your cholesterol down by as much as 20 percent of what it was during the lockdown level.

If you have no space even if it’s raining outside even if your gym is not open and even if you don’t have access to a trainer and we ensure that we will provide you every single thing right to your doorstep so you don’t need to think twice and all the objections are out of your way all you need to do after that is make sure you wake up at six o’clock in the morning and spend 20 minutes, okay that’s It that is the message okay.

Then we have an outreach program which gets the attention of people and you know gets us in in contact with them and then we have something called a back office or a business house which creates all these product packages and delivers them to the customer okay now how is it that you can use this if you’ve never thought about entrepreneurship or sales or marketing how is it that you can reposition using this high-income skill which I believe everybody should learn in the market today.

Because i see so again like I said I had the privilege to build a lot of my career for 12 15 13 years in us and I’ve got to learn a lot and then you know when I see Indian business owners they don’t think laterally they’re just stuck to their products and they say well my product is not selling so let’s trash that product and let’s get into the business of selling sanitizers and masks yeah.

people don’t understand the basics and then they’re getting hurt and then they want to uh you know change their product line and all that’s not going to work okay you need to understand the high-income skill sets okay similarly if you’re a corporate professional you need to understand how to present and position yourself in a way that somebody who is either hiring an employee or a contractor or a service

The provider is able to make that decision and choose you every single time even if you are the most expensive player in the market even if you have no credentials even if you have no history of doing business okay now what is the ten thousand-hour rule was created by this guy called Malcolm Gladwell who wrote a beautiful book called the outliers I would highly recommend you

Read it he says that to become he analyzed all the top people in every business and he said the people who have 10 000 hours worth of 10 000 hours worth of uh effort put in any single direction they become world-class the top one percent off the top one percent and some of the people that were uh that were analyzed were people like bill gates, yeah and they said well bill gates become a billionaire at 30 or something because he was lucky no he was not lucky

When people were busy doing other things he was actually sneaking into his college where they had a computer and he was paying you to know he would pay off the attendant and actually sit at the computer and learn coding 12 hours the night every single day seven days a week, okay and then he would run off at six o’clock in the morning because you know he didn’t want to be caught over there so he didn’t have access to a computer were very rare

But 365 days of the year he would go and learn to code he taught himself coding at you know working 12 hours in the night and all the first ever off day that he took was after he was 30 years old yeah after he was 30 years old he took his first day off day even after he founded Microsoft he was working seven days a week okay so 10 000 hours okay now let’s just do some uh calculations over here if you were to

Spend 10 000 hours okay you actually spend annual working hours about two thousand you spend about two thousand hours a year at work so that means if you were to spend ten thousand hours that means it would take you five years to become good at any of these skills which could be high-income skills so what does that mean does that

Mean that you are basically relegated to your current situation because five years is such a long time right yeah such a long time how many of you think five years man that’s too long I can’t take a risk with something that is five years away right just write too long in the comments box and I’ll give you another little nugget okay another little nugget the 1000 hour rule says that to be able to

Provide a chargeable product or service you have to put in 1000 hours to be able to put a chargeable product or service in the market you need to be good at it enough so that you put so that you can do it in 1000 hours okay now this is starting from scratch if you have no prior knowledge of that area so let’s just go back into the uh into the calculator so now I’m talking about 1000 hours another rule of

Thumb you spend approximately 200 hours every month working every month okay 200 hours a month so that means how many months is it okay how many months is it months we are talking about thousand by 200 is about five months okay it’s about five months so how do we break this down if you are working the magic number is 70 hours a week that’s what Mark Cuban says the billionaire mark Cuban he says if you work 70 hours a week it would

Take you approximately 13 weeks or exactly three months, okay to achieve this result so 13 into 7 is approximately 1 000. okay okay approximately one thousand okay so it would take you three months to become chargeable now to become bill gates it will take you you know five years or whatever it is to become steve jobs in any one area of you know of of

Of your choosing, okay but in three months you can create an income level or uh you know a chargeable service in the market okay now for three months working 70 hours a week while you’re doing a job or your current business or something is not possible yeah if you think that’s not possible that’s like too hard just write too hard in the comments box, okay so I have some good news for you what you do is what I would recommend you do is

Okay you start utilizing you start journaling or writing down what your current skill sets that you don’t need to develop you have certain skill sets that you don’t need to develop yeah so so you save a lot of time over there because the core skill set to develop a core skill set it takes a lot of time then you have something called the projection skill set okay so core skill

Sets core skill sets then you have something called a projection skill set which basically means for example in our community I talk a lot about selfie videos if you start video journaling and all that skill set is going to be very useful for you because the only two skill sets which are going be uh surviving the test of time one is coding and one is doing video marketing

Selfie video okay projection skill set that you’ll need to develop the third thing is the power of an environment you learn faster if you’re in an environment in an environment which encourages that sort of learning which is why people like to go to a gym and hire a trainer because the speed of development is increased 10x yeah so if you put yourself in an environment and if you uh table down your core skill sets and to develop your projection skill sets you

Allocate constructive time than the 70 hours into 13 weeks can be broken down can be compressed down to a minimum I’m talking about the minimum of 30 hours a week for 13 weeks which is exactly three months okay so in three months working 30 hours a week you can create what I call a six-figure income which is in addition to whatever else you’re doing right now okay now i

Actually, mention over here it’s the rule of sunnah it’s my rule which technically it’s not my rule I stole it, yeah there is a very well-known fact if you read on youtube go to the internet you know do some googling in any 90-day period you can create a totally different life in any area of your life you can be a totally different kind of a parent totally different kind of a spouse you can be super healthy even if you started from like 200 pounds overweight you can

Become you can change your financial status by making changes in your habits and your outlook that that healthy financial habits and healthy financial outlook if you start a new skill set you can totally master it like learning the guitar etc if you spend those 30 hours a week for 13 weeks okay and the start of frat community is all about sales and marketing so I encourage that you think about creating a six-figure income in 13 weeks a lot of

Our students have done that and you’ll see the stories and you know see some of the uh interviews and all that I do with students here and there uh you know in your feed but that is uh you know that so I basically stole that saying it takes 90 days okay how much is it gonna take it’s gonna take approximately thousand hours that’s comes from mark Cuban and basically that’s what your package is that’s what

Your package is okay so how do we start utilizing our time to get in this direction how do we start utilizing time to get in this direction yeah if this information has been useful to you so far just write super solid in the comments box okay now uh what’s up Ritu Sachin glad to see you

Guys here man glad to see you guys okay now all righty now where are we okay so what you got to start doing is you got to start looking at your time okay you have one fuel which is free and that is time and focus is a free fuel okay it’s free fuel so what you start doing is you start

Compressing your time into long periods of focus that is outside your work life outside your family life and all okay probably you have to get up earlier probably to sleep later or whatever it is probably in your lunch break in your office you go outside your office spend some time in your car you know you know just whatever and spend some time and there should be some concerted time which could be one hour two hours or three hours and large

Chunks which you spend on developing your new skill sets okay what are the high impact tasks let me tell you the story of this calling and meeting prospects, yeah calling and meeting prospects very early on in my career I had to learn sales and marketing and then somebody told me the easiest way to learn saying that marketing without quitting a job is to start doing something in multi-level marketing yeah

Start doing something in multi-level marketing so I got an Amway distributorship yeah I got an Amway distributorship and then what I would do is in the middle of my job in the lunch time I would go I didn’t have a car at that time I would go and I would go into an std booth and I would call people saying hey man would you like to come to my meeting I’ve got a business idea etc and I would spend one hour every day doing that I would spend one hour every

A day doing that I would call either call people or I would meet people I’d say hey man I’m over here at this hospital you know if you can meet me in the cafeteria we’re working on something that would be of interest to you, yeah so I developed that skill set during my lunch time it took me about 30 days I got rid of all my fear of calling people I got rid of all my fear of answering questions objections what is this is this MLM etc right so I did

All of that okay that was my first uh foray into sales and marketing that was my first foreign to say somebody said hey man if you can’t quit your job and you can’t afford a coach and you can’t afford to go to an MBA school or if and if you can’t afford to change your job and take marketing as a subject you know you know as an employee then this is what you got to do it takes no money and all it takes is guts so I said okay let’s do it calling and meeting

Prospects were one of the things okay skill building is another thing large and complex problem solving is another thing these are high impact things that you should dedicate your time to what are low impact things okay useless things like pointless meetings and phone calls you know just friends and relatives calling all day long for no reason and then just spending 10 minutes with everybody on the phone is a totally useless waste of time okay checking your

Email checking your WhatsApp you know waiting I’ve told that guy the electrician is going to come tomorrow in the morning till the election comes I’m not going to move and all of those things okay so uh and in business, if you’re obsessing over useless things like all this website side and all low impact tasks okay so these are the things that will waste your time now I have something for you over here which I’m gonna give you and then you can uh you know you can cycle this back to me okay.

This comes from inside our community inside our premium community which is called the startup launch program we use this uh you have let us say first of all calculate your hourly rate okay what is your hourly rate let’s say your annual salary is eight lakh rupees your hourly rate is divided that by the golden figure of
2000 okay that’s 400 rupees.

If your monthly salary let’s say you can do it by monthly salary 70 grand then your hourly rate is let’s say roughly 350 rupees okay now every 400 rupee label is attached to every hour that you spend outside of your job and outside of basic family stuff if you spend an hour playing with your kids every day that’s great okay.

If you spend an hour eating your food and all that’s great but outside of the basics, every hour of yours has this 400 rupee tag attached okay now what are you gonna do to improve your hourly rate from tomorrow, okay what you do is you figure out what the high-impact tasks are going to be for you and you start spending at least half an hour to an hour on them okay so this was week one this was your schedule okay let me color that for you.

Let me color that for you that’s your current schedule you wake up you have breakfast you take a walk you get ready you head to the office then you spend time at the office then you commute home then you relax then you watch tv you have kids family dinner work on the laptop relax tv sleep okay this is your current day now what you’re going to do is you’re going to change that you’re going to start changing that an hour at a time okay.

You’re going to wake up 30 minutes early and then you’re going to read a book this is in the first week this is the only change you’re going to make okay and this book is not going to be some fiction and all Sydney Sheldon and all it’s going to be related to what skill set you to want to build okay. where can you find all this information etc?

you can get a book you can get a course you can go take youtube premium
And follow some influencers and all who have the information that you need
in week number three what you do is you keep this constant the book is already here but you’re going to add something more to it what you’re going to do is instead of all this relaxation time and all this watching tv and all of this stuff which is an artificial need you don’t really need all that you don’t need to relax yeah it’s all the noise in your brain.

What you need to do is you need to start working on what kind of product line you’re going to launch in the market if I were to tell you that the universe is going to give you all the help you need and all the information you need and all of that and at the worst case scenario I’m going to give you my email at the end of this if nobody helps you you can always email me.

I’ll email you back here product line you’ve got to think about the product line okay you got to make this a clear intention in your brain that in 90 days you’re gonna have your product line ready and go to market in 90 days you’re gonna have your product ready and go to market okay so you’re gonna spend an hour a day only thinking and writing down about what are the different things you can do and how you can solve a problem using a product packaging trick that.

I just taught you five minutes back okay then week four the read a book and all that is already here the product line is already here then what you’re going to do is you’re going to start doing something else like a selfie video of the day or you’re going gonna go to your Facebook and then start building some following or something like that okay that’s what you’re gonna do or there may be other

if you’re a small business owner you already know how your channel marketing and all of those things work so you’re gonna spend an hour thinking and planning your new foray with your new product line okay that’s how you change your habits week by week now what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna give you a link to this google sheet and I want you to fill this out for the next four weeks okay week by week how you’re going to change your habits and increase the net worth of your time by cutting out all the useless time and putting constructive stuff over there.

so let’s go back to the PowerPoint okay okay and then we’re gonna do one more thing okay two things I’m gonna give you and then if you follow through I’m gonna give you some gifts okay.

First of all, time commit to cleaning up your time the sheet I just showed you I walked you through it’s available at startup fray. club forward slash time to okay time to because there are other sheets also startupfrat.club/time to that’s the link you hit it’ll take you to that google sheet you can download let me just show you how that works uh where the google sheet is let me just open it and then the browser window.

So, I can show you okay you go to this google sheet request access you know I’ll provide I’ll open up the access right after this call the sheet will open up and then you can start utilizing it, okay then you can start utilizing it now what is the second thing you’re going to do is you’re going to put a stake in the ground and you’re going to fill out a form okay. You’re going to fill out a form what form is that it’s you it’s available at startupfry.com forward slash seek let me just show you how that looks okay start afraid. club forward slash seek let me just see that also as a sharing violation or something dot club flower slash seek okay.

Let me just show you how this looks okay you’re going to put in your name your
email address what is the number one reason you joined this workshop etc once you put in your name there’s a second page to it you press next and it will again this one is saying request edit access because I just cleaned the cache in my browser but I will make it all publicly accessible and all of that just fill that out when you fill that form the input comes into me okay you fill That form.

The input comes into me I can see it there’s only if you’re the super serious kinds okay so then I’ll allocate some time to help you out okay if you’ve done both these things if you’ve allocated your time this is your personal thing you can download that sheet save as XLS and all that save it and once you’ve cleaned up your time you know you you’ve planned out the time that is your personal information keep it to yourself.

Once you put a stake in the ground and you fill out this form that says this is the thing I want to do and these are the number of hours that I’m gonna put every week guaranteed okay that’s what it asks you what is the problem you want to solve how many hours do you want to build a business out of it okay startupfry.com forward slash seek okay fill that form then email me say I fill out the form I have my timesheet okay.

What are we gonna do next okay now email me at startupfrat.com and then I will give you some free gifts in response I’ll give you some free gifts, okay. So, that is it for the training today let me just see if I have something left out in the mind map and I will share the mind map as well for you so we did history repeats ten thousand hour rule one thousand hour rule your environment yeah environment okay this is the environment they start afraid hangout make sure I put videos two or three times a day make sure you like and comment okay.

Why because if you don’t like and comment Facebook will stop showing you this stuff Facebook will stop showing there’s way too much stuff to show you and Facebook doesn’t have the time and you don’t have the time so they only put friends and family first and then they put the most access the most interactive content so if you interact with the content then you’re all set okay.

Your action plan is you got to go to startupfry.com time to start a fat dot club for slash seek and then you email okay startupfrat.com, okay this one is not clubbed this is a dot-com okay sarahfat.com that’s your action item for the day, okay if you have any questions or something I’ll be happy to answer them in the comments box hey name nice to see you my friend nice to see you okay.

I’ve got my phone over there so I can see who all are there okay so if you have any questions or something then let me know in the comments box and if this was of value I want you to put this in the comments box so that whenever I put up the next training video on Monday or something you can get to see that and it doesn’t get lost in your feed okay so it was valuable, not valuable just let me know in the comments box and I shall see you next week.

I look forward to seeing if you guys how many of you guys are action takers how many of you guys want to take yeah do something crazy with your life do something crazy with your time all right awesome great I can see the comments thank you very much thank you for joining us and I will see you next week with on the next training video.

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